Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December Food Edition 5 - Macadamia Toffee

This recipe has been copied from a hand written recipe in a friend's collection, so I am unsure of its origin.

225g (1 cup) white sugar
80ml (1/3 cup) water
200g unsalted macadamia nuts*

*I did two batches, one with 200g macadamias, which seemed way too many, next one with about 50g, not enough. I reckon somewhere in between, depending on how nutty you want it.

Combine white sugar and water in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Cook for 5 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to high and bring to boil. Cook - without stirring, occasionally brushing sides down for 5-7 minutes until golden. (The colour changes quite rapidly, so keep an eye on it. I burnt the first batch, although it was quite tasty!). Reduce heat to low, add macadamia nuts, and cook for 1-2 minutes stirring until nuts are covered. Pour onto lined tray (baking paper). Allow to set - I just left mine on a chopping board on the bench overnight covered up and it was set nicely. Coarsely chop or snap with your hands.

I served this alongside a chocolate torte with double cream at a family christmas lunch.
My first attempt at toffeeeeeee

Gluten free chocolate torte

The one at the front is the burnt one, with far too many nuts, the one at back much closer to what was intended.

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