Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Easy Peasy, Awesome Cauliflower Rice

I discovered this recipe a few days ago, and can't stop telling people about it... so easy and delicious.  Take a whole cauliflower, remove leaves and wash. Either finely chop, or blitz in batches in food processor. Into a hot pan, add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (you could use ghee, butter or other oil).  Add 1 tablespoon each of ground tumeric and cumin, stir for about 30 secs until fragrant.  Add cauliflower. Cook, stirring constantly for 2-3 mins until cooked to your liking (I like mine a little crunchy/al dente). Serve hot. Enjoy!  I served with fresh coriander and Greek yoghurt, but would work as accompaniment to curry.  Store leftovers in fridge in airtight container, use within a couple of days. Made a yummo work lunch.